How To Save And Publish Your Content In WordPress Classic Editor

Saving and publishing your content is one of the most important parts of running a WordPress website. No matter what purpose you are running the website for you will need to have the ability to save and publish the content.

What is the WordPress Classic Editor

WordPress classic editor was the default post editor in WordPress versions below 5. It lets you edit your content in a simple way with the ability to style text using buttons such as bold and italic. You can also align text, change the text type to paragraph or headers, link a url to a keyword and various other features. The classic editor has a Visual as well as Text option with the visual allowing you to see the text styling live.

Below are steps to save and publish your content using the WordPress Classic Editor

  1. Login to your WordPress website and navigate to Posts -> Add New.
  2. Below the title field bar you will see a content area with Visual and Text tabs. This is the WordPress classic editor and all the content will be added in this area.
  3. Add your content to the classic editor and you can style the content using the various options available in the toolbar at the top.
  4. Once done, you will find two options on the right hand side in the Publish box.
    Save Draft – This option lets you save the content you added in the editor including the title and any other settings or options you selected. If you choose to save draft then the post won’t be visible to the public.
    Publish – This option lets you save the post completely and make it visible to the public. Once the publish button is clicked the post will be viewable under blog posts and searchable.
  5. That’s it. You just saved and published your content using the WordPress classic editor.

Switching from Gutenberg Block Editor to the Classic Editor

In the newer versions of WordPress, Gutenberg is the default post editor. Below are steps to switch to the classic editor.

Install and activate the Classic Editor plugin.

Once activated the Gutenberg block editor will be disabled on your WordPress website and you will be able to use the classic editor.

If you want to keep the Gutenberg as well as the classic editor then it can be done by visiting Settings -> Writing from your admin dashboard.

Under the Classic editor settings you can choose to either replace the Gutenberg editor or show the option to use both the editors.

Once you have selected the option, save the settings. A new menu option Add New (Classic) will be added to the Posts sidebar menu. You can use it to edit posts using the classic editor.

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