How To Set a Homepage In WordPress

Are you looking to set the homepage on your WordPress website?

In most cases, you are going to need additional or complete changes to the default homepage of your WordPress website. It is best to set a custom homepage for your website.

The reasons for a custom homepage can be numerous with the most common reasons being removing the blog posts section, adding image sliders, making the page more interactive and engaging, and changing the layout and positioning of different sections.

What is a homepage in WordPress?

A homepage also known as the front page is the page that a user sees when he visits the root URL of your website. On visiting the domain name of your website the page that WordPress displays are the homepage.

Setting a homepage on your WordPress website

Before you can set a homepage for your website you will need to create a page if it is not already created. You can do so by following the below steps.

Steps to create a homepage

  1. Visit Pages -> Add New from your admin dashboard.
  2. We will name the page as Home in the title field for this tutorial. You can name it Home or anything you find appropriate.
  3. You can now edit the page and change it however you want the homepage to be.
  4. Once done click the Publish button.

Your homepage is now ready and can be set as a custom homepage for your WordPress website. Follow the below steps to set this page as the homepage.

  1. Visit Settings -> Reading from your admin dashboard.
  2. Under the Reading Settings section, select the A static page checkbox in Your homepage displays. By default, WordPress sets it to Your latest posts checkbox.
  3. Now choose the Home page that we created earlier in the Homepage dropdown.
  4. Click on the Save changes button now.

Visit your website and you can see the new homepage live on your website.

Important parts of a homepage

Every homepage should have the below basic sections.

  • Logo – A logo is very important at the top of your homepage. It helps with branding and promoting your website better.
  • Menu bar – A menu bar is one of the most important parts of your homepage and website. It helps users navigate through your website easily and discover new content.
  • Main Content – These could be blog posts sorted by categories or the latest blog posts.
  • Footer – A footer should contain important links to pages such as about us, contact us, and various social media links.

Of course, your homepage should not be limited to just these four parts. You can further add different sections such as image sliders, newsletter signup boxes, ads, sidebars, different forms, etc.

Bottom Line

The homepage is the most important part of your website. It is like the face of your website. Having a good and informative homepage is very important. It directly affects the user engagement on your website and will help improve the sales conversion ratio.

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