How To Setup WooCommerce Shipping

Before launching your WooCommerce store, setting up it’s shipping methods is necessary. Shipping is one of those factors that affects if the customer places an order on your store in the end or not. Shipping also plays an important role in the user experience of your WooCommerce store.

In this article, we are going to show how you can set up shipping on your WooCommerce store easily.

Steps to setup WooCommerce shipping

  1. Login to the admin dashboard of your WooCommerce store.
  2. Navigate to WooCommerce -> Settings. Select the Shipping tab.
  3. You will now set up your shipping zone where basically you will be setting the areas for that zone, shipping methods and shipping price for those methods.
    Start by clicking on the Add shipping zone button.
  4. In the Zone name field enter a name for the zone.
    In the Zone regions field select the countries or specific states where this shipping zone should apply. You can also limit the states to specific postcodes.
  5. Once you have selected the regions, select the shipping method you want to add to this zone. By default you have options for three shipping methods –
    Flat rate – A fixed rate for shipping the products to this zone.
    To add this method click on the Add shipping method button in the Shipping methods box. From the list select Flat rate and click on the Add shipping method button.
    Hover over the shipping method you just added and click on the Edit button beneath it.
    In the Method title field enter the name for the shipping method. You can then choose if the shipping price is taxable or not. Finally in the Cost field enter the rate for shipping to this zone. Now click on the Save changes button.
    Free shipping – Ship the products for free. You have various options here such as minimum amount to avail free shipping, etc.
    To add this method click on the Add shipping method button in the Shipping methods box. From the list select Free shipping and click on the Add shipping method button.
    Hover over the shipping method you just added and click on the Edit button beneath it.
    In the Title field enter the name for the shipping method. In the Free shipping requires dropdown you can select from various options such as a minimum cart amount or a coupon for free shipping.
    On selecting the A minimum order amount option, a Minimum order amount field will be added. Here you can enter the minimum cart amount to apply the free shipping method to the order.
    Click on the Save changes button once done.

    Local pickup – Let the customer pickup the product from your godowns.
    To add this method click on the Add shipping method button in the Shipping methods box. From the list select Local pickup and click on the Add shipping method button.
    Hover over the shipping method you just added and click on the Edit button beneath it.
    In the Title field enter the name for the shipping method.
    In Tax status select if the shipping amount is taxable or not.
    In the Cost field enter the amount the customer has to pay for this shipping method.
    Once done click on the Save changes button.

    All the shipping methods are now set up.

  6. You can also choose to add Shipping classes to your shipping methods. Shipping classes lets you group similar products and set how much shipping will be charged for these products. To add shipping classes click on the Shipping classes tab.

    Now click on the Add shipping class button.
    Enter a name for the shipping class in the Shipping class field and then enter a slug for the class. You can also add a description for the shipping class. Once done click on the Save shipping classes button.
    Now select the Shipping zones tab again for your zone and edit the shipping method.
    A shipping class area is added now. Enter the shipping class cost and click on the Save changes button.

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