What is Taxonomy in WordPress

Do you want your visitors to find similar content on the same page? Then you should be using taxonomies.

The word taxonomy is unfamiliar to most of the people. But if you use words like categories and tags then they will be more likely to understand it.

What is taxonomy in WordPress?

Taxonomy is a classification method that WordPress uses to group similar posts together. Suppose you run a sports website. There are many sports such as football, basketball, cricket, etc. You can create a Sports taxonomy and then create the various sports under it.

Now whenever you create a new post related to basketball or any other sport  you can assign it to the basketball category or respective one.

Various taxonomies in WordPress

  • Categories
  • Tags

If you edit a post using the WordPress editor then on the right hand side you will find the Categories and Tags box. These are the taxonomies that you can use to group similar posts under one head.

Create or edit a taxonomy

There are two ways to edit or create a taxonomy.

From the WordPress editor

WordPress allows you to directly add categories and tags from the WordPress editor. On the right hand side you will see two boxes, one is Categories and another is the Tags.

For creating a new category simply click on the + Add New Category button and insert the category name.

For adding a tag to the post you can insert the tag name in the text field in the Tags box and click on the Add button.

From the Admin Dashboard

Many times you will also need to edit categories or tags.

For categories, visit Posts -> Categories from the admin dashboard.

For adding a new category insert the details in the left side box called Add New Category.

On the right hand side you will see a table listing all the categories and sub-categories.

Hover over the category you want to edit and click on the Edit button.

You will be taken to the category page where you can edit the details.

Once done, click on the Update button.

You can also delete the category by clicking on the Delete button adjacent to the Update button.

You can follow similar steps for adding, editing or deleting tags. Visit Posts -> Tags and the layout is similar to the categories section.

In The End

Utilizing the WordPress taxonomies is important to allow your visitors to find similar content under the same head. WordPress taxonomies help arrange the posts based on categories and tags. This also helps in increasing the user engagement on your website and reducing the bounce rate.

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