How to Add Favicon In WordPress

Are you looking to change the favicon on your WordPress website? Favicon is a great way to enhance your brand visibility and help visitors identify your website. In this article we are going to show how you can change your favicon in WordPress.

What is a Favicon?

Favicon is a tiny image that is placed right before the title text in your browsers tab. It is an ICO file and helps the users easily identify your website within dozens of tabs. It is also a great way to enhance your brand recognition and make your website look authorative.

Adding a favicon to your website is very important as usually most internet users have multiple tabs open in their browsers. Without a favicon it can be really difficult to find the tab of your website. Favicon directly improves the user experience of your website.

How to add a favicon in WordPress

WordPress makes it really easy to add a favicon to your website. Below are steps to add a favicon to your WordPress website using the WordPress customizer.

  1. Visit Appearance -> Customize from your admin dashboard.
  2. Click on the Site Identity tab.
  3. In the Site Icon section click on the Select File button. Browse and select the favicon you want to use for your website.
  4. Click on the Save & Publish button.

After selecting the image if your icon is not perfect then WordPress allows you to crop the favicon.

Steps to add a favicon by manually uploading it

If for some reason you are unable to use the Theme Customizer or using an older WordPress version then you can also add a favicon to your WordPress website by manually uploading it to the server. Below are steps to add the favicon manually.

  1. Using FTP navigate to the root directory of your WordPress installation.
  2. Upload the favicon in the directory.
  3. After that, edit the header.php file and add the below line of code inside the <head> tag.

<link rel="icon" href="" type="image/x-icon" />

Change the to your domain url.

4. Once done, save and upload the file and the favicon will now be live on your website.

Bottom Line

Any website without a favicon is going to feel empty. Not only does it help identify your website from others, it also helps in improving the brand recognition. If you are using a WordPress version greater than 4.2 then you can directly add the favicon using the Theme Customizer.

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