Best FTP Clients To Use For WordPress?

Are you looking to upload or edit your WordPress files? FTP is one of the easiest ways to do it. In this article we are going to share some of the best FTP clients that you can use for your WordPress website.

What is FTP and an FTP client?

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP is one of the best protocols to transfer files between a client and a server. An FTP client is a software that will allow you to connect with your WordPress website and upload or edit its files.

Some of the things an FTP client should have are:

  • It should have a friendly and easy to use graphical user interface.
  • It should provide various functionalities such as uploading, downloading and editing files of your WordPress website. You should also be able to create folders and sub-folders on the server.

Things you will require before being able to use an FTP client:

  • Hostname – In most cases this is the domain name of your website such as
  • Username – You can get the username for your FTP connection from the cPanel dashboard.
  • Password – You will also get the password from the same area as username.
  • Port – By default the port is 21 on most servers unless it’s been changed.

3 Best FTP clients for your WordPress website

  1. FileZilla

FileZilla is one of the oldest and most used FTP clients. It is best for someone new to FTP as it provides an easy to use interface and the layout is simple. It supports Windows and Mac operating systems.

FileZilla is completely free to use and an open-source software. It also allows saving multiple server credentials and you can connect to any server with the click of a button.

2. WinSCP

If you are looking for a powerful and advanced FTP client then WinSCP is a great option. It comes with many features such as built-in text editor, file previewing, scripting and automating various tasks. This client is especially great if you are a developer. WinSCP is free and supports the Windows OS.

3. Cyberduck

Cyberduck is an easy to use FTP client that comes with various third party integrations. It allows you to share files using temporary links with others. It allows you to sync folders of your computer with the server. You can also view the files within the client itself.

Cyberduck supports Windows and Mac OS and is available for free. For editing files you can select the editor you want to use. You can also use the client to connect to cloud storage services such as Dropbox and Google Drive.

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